
Info about Kurchum, (Kazakhstan)

Alternate names are Kumashenkino, Kumashkino, Kurchum, Kurshim, Kürshim, Курчум, latitude is 48.5660300, and its longitude 83.6614600.

Its population is 8.490 folks, this city timezone is Asia/Almaty (Asia/Almaty_cet).

Some of the activities you can do in Kurchum are hunting, geological formations in Kazakhstan.


More details about Kurchum in Kazakhstan (KZ)

It is the capital of Kurshim District.

In Kurchum live 8.490 folks, related to 2009 latest census. It’s postal code is 071200, this is why for sending postcards to friends on your tripyou can use this code as explained.

Its altitude above sea level, technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is 0 meters above sea. This is why Kurchum is the perfect place if you and friends like being near the sea.

Kurchum things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hunting, geological formations.

    Interactive Kurchum (Kazakhstan) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Kurchum, Kazakhstan (KZ).