
Info about Yugawara, Kanagawa (Japan)

Yugawara region is Kanagawa, Ashigarashimo-gun, in Japan (JP).

Alternate names are Yugawara, latitude is 35.1500000, and longitude is 139.0666700.

In Yugawara are located 26.848 inhabitants, this location timezone is Asia/Tokyo (Asia/Tokyo_cet).

Yugawara is popular for surf, hammam, climbing in all Japan.


More details about Yugawara in Japan (JP)

Located in time zone UTC+09:00 (for standard time).

In Yugawara live 26.848 inhabitants, if we consider 2010 census.

Yugawara dimension is 40 sq. kilometers, so it is quitely relaxing place , suggested travel destination for travelers that are interested in small cities as a quiet location on a travel, a calm town without distractions common in large urban areas. In this town you can find cheap accommodations because of its economic hotel costs, so for this reason you can use it as your base to visit all Japan or Yugawara near things to do.

Its height above mean sea level, or meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) counts 0 mt. This is why this is a perfect trip destination when you love to swim in the sea.

For info about Yugawara you can have a look at its official website https://www.town.yugawara.kanagawa.jp/.

Yugawara things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • surf, hammam, climbing.

    Interactive Yugawara (Japan) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Yugawara, Kanagawa Ashigarashimo-gun Japan (JP).