
Info about Yamada, Iwate (Japan)

Yamada is a village in Iwate, Shimohei-gun, in Japan (JP).

Yamada names are also Jamada, Yamada, Yamatamachi, Ямада, its latitude is 39.4666700, and longitude is 141.9500000.

In Yamada there are 18.617 occupants, this city timezone is Asia/Tokyo (Asia/Tokyo_cet).

Yamada is popular for skiing, volcanoes, shopping, slopes, nightlife in Japan.


More details about Yamada in Japan (JP)

It has timezone UTC+09:00 (for standard time).

In Yamada live 18.617 occupants, if we consider 2010 last census.

Its size is 262 sq. kilometers, so Yamada is a medium size city that can become, if it is not already, a boomtown, in our opinion a town that you should visit. In Yamada you can find cheap accommodations because of Yamada cheap hotel rates, so for this reason you could use it like your base if you want to move across Japan or Yamada near places.

Yamada height above mean sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 0 meters. That is why this is a perfect place when you and family like seaside places.

Near Yamada there are nice cities to visit, very friendly places like Miyako, Ōtsuchi. This is why you can in few time visit these close trip destinations to explore more Japan.

For data for Yamada check their official website https://www.town.yamada.iwate.jp/.

Yamada things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • skiing, volcanoes, shopping, slopes, nightlife.

    Interactive Yamada (Japan) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Yamada, Iwate Shimohei-gun Japan (JP).