
Info about Bressanone, Trentino-Alto Adige (Italy)

Bressanone is a state of Trentino-Alto Adige, Bolzano, situated in Italy (IT).

It is also called Bresanona, Bressanone, Brixen, Brixen in Suedtirol, Brixen in Südtirol, Brixino, buressanone, Брессаноне, ブレッサノーネ, its latitude is 46.7150300, and its longitude 11.6559800.

Bressanone population is 22.011 people, this city timezone is Europe/Rome (Europe/Rome_cet).

Best destination for hammam around Italy.


More details about Bressanone in Italy (IT)

It is the capital of Bishopric of Brixen.

Bressanone time zone is UTC+01:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Bressanone there are 22.011 people, considering 2018 latest census. Do You are looking to call local phone numbers. Use 472 if you wish to call local phone numbers. Bressanone postal code is 39042, then for sending postcards to family in Bressanone it can be used this postal code as described.

Its dimension is 84 square kilometers so its a mid-sized city, definitely a place worth a visit. Here you can find cheap hotels because of its cheap room rates, so for this reason you may use Bressanone as your basecamp in order to move across Italy or Bressanone near places.

Bressanone meters above sea level, also called meters above sea level (MASL), is under 560 meters. For this it is the ideal place if you and your friends want high areas to see in your next travel and love hiking if you are on a travel in a new country.

Shares borders with for example cities like Villnöß, Lüsen, Natz-Schabs, San Martin de Tor, Vahrn, Feldthurns. So you could very quickly visit these close wonderful destinations for new Italy adventures.

For more detailed information on this city please check its official website

Bressanone also won an award for Alpine Town of the Year.

Bressanone things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hammam.

    Interactive Bressanone (Italy) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Bressanone, Trentino-Alto Adige Bolzano Italy (IT).