
Info about Vignola, Emilia-Romagna (Italy)

Vignola is a area of Emilia-Romagna, Provincia di Modena, and country is Italy (IT).

Also called Vignola, Viynola, its latitude is 44.4838300, and its longitude 11.0109600.

With a population of 25.313 citizens, this region timezone is Europe/Rome (Europe/Rome_cet).

Vignola is famous for activities like architectural buildings, churches in Italy.


More details about Vignola in Italy (IT)

Vignola official name is Vignola (MO).

It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (during standard time).

Vignola population is 25.313 people, considering 2018 census. Do You need to dial local numbers. You can call phone numbers by dialing 59 as local dialing code. Vignola postal code is 41058, then if you want to send anything via post on your travel you can use 41058 post code as explained.

Its size is 22 sq. km. so Vignola is very quiet town ideal location for travelers that are searching for quiet places as a cheap base to stay, a calm countryside without distractions typical of big urban areas. If you book an accommodation in Vignola you save money due to its low hotel prices, and this is why you and your travel companions may use it like your base if you want to move across Italy or Vignola near places.

Vignola altitude above sea level, called also meters above sea level (MASL), is 125 mt. For this reason Vignola the ideal destination if you want flat ground to visit for your next vacation.

There are also other near cities you can visit, very cool cities like Castelvetro di Modena, Marano sul Panaro, Savignano sul Panaro, Spilamberto. So you and your companions can very quickly visit these other destinations for new Italy adventures.

If you need information for Vignola you can visit Vignola official website

Vignola things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • architectural buildings, churches.

    Interactive Vignola (Italy) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Vignola, Emilia-Romagna Provincia di Modena Italy (IT).