
Info about Rotonda, Basilicata (Italy)

Rotonda is a area in Basilicata, Provincia di Potenza, situated in Italy (IT).

Also called Rotonda, its latitude is 39.9521500, and its longitude is 16.0390400.

With 3.435 citizenry, its timezone is Europe/Rome (Europe/Rome_cet).

Rotonda is famous for activities like running, treasure hunts, architectural buildings in all Italy.


More details about Rotonda in Italy (IT)

It is the capital of Rotonda, Basilicata.

It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

Rotonda population is 3.435 residents, related to 2018 census. Do You want to use telephone for calling local numbers? Use 973 if you wish to call local phone numbers. Rotonda postal code is 85048, for this reason, for post delivery from Rotonda you can use this zip code as described.

Its size is 42 sq. kilometers, so Rotonda seems to be nicely quiet place a good trip destination for trippers that are searching for small cities for a good base to sleep, a calm area without distractions that you find in large urban areas. If you stay here you can find cheap hotels due to its cheap accommodation costs, so for this reason you may have Rotonda like your basecamp to visit all Italy or Rotonda near cities.

Rotonda altitude above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL), is 635 meters. For this reason Rotonda is a perfect travel destination if you and friends like high land to visit for your next holiday or are willing to do adventure in the nature when on vacation somewhere else.

If you travel with a car you can visit near cities, nice cities like Laino Borgo, Laino Castello, Morano Calabro, Mormanno, Viggianello, Castelluccio Inferiore. For this reason you and your family can effortlessly visit those close travel destinations to visit new things.

If you’re looking for information for Rotonda have a look at their official webpage

Rotonda things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • running, treasure hunts, architectural buildings.

    Interactive Rotonda (Italy) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Rotonda, Basilicata Provincia di Potenza Italy (IT).