
Info about Avezzano, Abruzzo (Italy)

Avezzano is a district of Abruzzo, Provincia dell’ Aquila, in Italy (IT).

Avezzano names are also Aveccano, Avezzano, Авеццано, its latitude is 42.0289600, and longitude 13.4264100.

Its population is 42.486 citizens, this area timezone is Europe/Rome (Europe/Rome_cet).

Avezzano is popular for climbing around Italy.


More details about Avezzano in Italy (IT)

It is the capital of Avezzano. Avezzano official name is Avezzano (AQ).

It has timezone UTC+01:00 (during standard time).

In Avezzano live 42.486 citizens, considering 2018 last census. You are looking to dial local people? You can call phone numbers by dialing 863 as local dialing code. Avezzano zip code is 67051, then if you want to send anything to your friends via post on your travel it can be used 67051 post code as described above.

Its dimension is 104 sq. km. so its a medium sized city, in our opinion a place that you should visit. If you stay here you can find cheap accommodations because of Avezzano economic accommodation rates, and for this reason you could use Avezzano like your base in order to move across Italy and Avezzano near things to do.

Avezzano elevation above sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is 695 mt. That is why this city is the ideal destination when you like high mountains to travel to in your next vacation and love mountain rails walking if on holiday abroad.

Avezzano shares borders with cities like Capistrello, Luco dei Marsi, Ovindoli, Trasacco, Celano, Massa d’Albe, Scurcola Marsicana. Because of this you and your companions can in few time visit those other destinations to visit for new adventures.

Avezzano Patron Saint is Bartholomew the Apostle, Madonna di Pietraquaria.

If you want more detailed information for Avezzano have a look at its website https://www.comune.avezzano.aq.it/.

Beautiful historical finds that is worth to visit for your travel to Avezzano are:

    Stadio dei Marsi, Stadio dei Pini

Avezzano is also awarded for medal for civil merit.

Avezzano things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • climbing.

    Interactive Avezzano (Italy) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Avezzano, Abruzzo Provincia dell’ Aquila Italy (IT).