Ness Ziona

Info about Ness Ziona, (Israel)

Other names for Ness Ziona are Nahalat Reuven, Nes Cijjona, Nes Cijona, Nes Ciona, Nes Siyona, Nes Tiona, Nes Tsiyona, Nes Tsiyonah, Nes Tziyona, Nes Ziona, Nes Ziyona, Nes Ziyyona, Nes Ționa, Nes Ẕiyyona, Nes-Ciona, Ness Siona, Ness Tziona, Ness Ziona, Neys-Siyona, Noss Ziona, Nēs Tsīyōnā, Nēs Zīyōnā, Wadi Hunayn, Wadi Hunein, Wady Hanin, Wādi Hunein, nai si ci ao na, ns zywna, ns zywnh, nys dywna, nys zywna, Нес-Циона, נס ציונה, نس زیونا, نيس زيونا, نیس ضیونا, 耐斯茨奧納, latitude is 31.9293300, and longitude is 34.7986800.

In Ness Ziona live 46.891 natives, this place timezone is Asia/Jerusalem (Asia/Jerusalem_cet).

Ness Ziona is popular for escape room around Israel.


More details about Ness Ziona in Israel (IL)

In Ness Ziona there are 46.891 natives, according to 2015 latest census. It’s zip code is 74100–74140, so if you want to send anything to family by post in Ness Ziona this can be done by using this postal code as per description above.

Ness Ziona size is 15 sq. kilometers, so it is quitely small area an ideal solution for people that like quiet places as an economic base location to stay, an incredibly calm place without distractions that characterizes big metropolis. In Ness Ziona you save money due to their low accommodation rates, and for this reason you may have Ness Ziona as your basecamp if you want to visit all Israel and Ness Ziona near places.

Its elevation above mean sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 34 meters. That’s why this city is an ideal trip destination if you and your family like flat land to go to for your next trip.

Ness Ziona near cities are beautiful cities like Rehovot, Rishon LeZion, Be’er Ya’akov, Beit Hanan. So you and your friends may in few time reach these near surroundings to see new places in Israel.

Beautiful memorabilia worth to see for travellers to Ness Ziona are:

    Ness Ziona Stadium

Ness Ziona things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • escape room.

    Interactive Ness Ziona (Israel) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Ness Ziona, Israel (IL).