
Info about Binyamina, (Israel)

Alternate names are Binjamina, Binyamina, Binyaminah, Giv`ath Binyamin, Giv‘ath Binyāmīn, bnymynh, בנימינה, latitude is 32.5232000, and its longitude is 34.9449900.

Binyamina population is 14.777 citizens, this location timezone is Asia/Jerusalem (Asia/Jerusalem_cet).

Things you can do if you travel to Binyamina are national parks, gardens, farms, nature reserves, parks, boat rides, escape room in Israel.


More details about Binyamina in Israel (IL)

In Binyamina live 14.777 citizens, according to 2015 last census.

Its area is 25 square km., this is why Binyamina should be relatively small place , ideal place for travelers that are interested in quiet cities as a cheap base location on a trip, an incredibly quite area with no distractions common in large metropolis. Here you can save money because of its low rooms rates, so this is why you and your friends could have it like base in order to move across Israel and Binyamina near things to do.

Its meters above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), should be around 15 mt. This is why it is an ideal place when you and your partner love plain ground to see for your next vacation.

Binyamina things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • national parks, gardens, farms, nature reserves, parks, boat rides, escape room.

    Interactive Binyamina (Israel) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Binyamina, Israel (IL).