
Info about Rathmullan, Ulster (Ireland)

Rathmullan is a region in Ulster, in Ireland (IE).

Rathmullan names are also Rath Maolain, Rathmullan, Rathmullen, Ráth Maoláin, its latitude is 55.0938900, and longitude is -7.5402800.

In Rathmullan live 518 citizens, this region timezone is Europe/Dublin (Europe/Dublin_cet).

Things to do in Rathmullan are tennis, desert, abseiling, adventure, wakeboard, hammam, churches over Ireland.


More details about Rathmullan in Ireland (IE)

It has timezone UTC±00:00 (valid for standard time).

Rathmullan height above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) should be around 32 meters above sea. That is why this is a perfect trip destination if you and your friends want plain ground to see in your next vacation.

Rathmullan things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • tennis, desert, abseiling, adventure, wakeboard, hammam, churches.

    Interactive Rathmullan (Ireland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Rathmullan, Ulster Ireland (IE).