
Info about Kingscourt, Ulster (Ireland)

Kingscourt region is Ulster, located in Ireland (IE).

Other names for Kingscourt are Dun An Ri, Dún An Ri, Kingscourt, latitude is 53.9080600, and its longitude -6.8055600.

In Kingscourt there are 2.326 citizenry, this city timezone is Europe/Dublin (Europe/Dublin_cet).

Kingscourt is one of the best destinations for pubs, adventure in Ireland.


More details about Kingscourt in Ireland (IE)

Kingscourt has timezone UTC±00:00 (during standard time).

Kingscourt square area is 1 sq. km. so Kingscourt is counted as very relaxing area , suggested place for people that are interested in quiet destinations for a good location to travel to, an incredibly calm countryside area with no distractions common of big urban areas. If you stay in this town you can find cheap accommodations due to Kingscourt cheap accommodation costs, and for this reason you and your friends may use it as basecamp in order to move across Ireland or Kingscourt near adventures.

Its altitude above sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 100 meters. That’s why Kingscourt the ideal destination if you want plain areas to go to in your next trip.

Kingscourt things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • pubs, adventure.

    Interactive Kingscourt (Ireland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Kingscourt, Ulster Ireland (IE).