
Info about Buncrana, Ulster (Ireland)

Buncrana is a village in Ulster, in Ireland (IE).

It is also called Bankrana, Bun Cranncha, Buncrana, Bunkrana, Банкрана, Бънкрана, ბანკრანა, its latitude is 55.1333300, and longitude is -7.4500000.

Buncrana population is 5.546 residents, its timezone is Europe/Dublin (Europe/Dublin_cet).

Buncrana is famous for activities like snorkeling, adventure parks, amusement parks, theme parks, swimming, water parks, tennis around Ireland.


More details about Buncrana in Ireland (IE)

Buncrana time zone is UTC±00:00 (during standard time).

Buncrana elevation above mean sea level called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 62 mt. For this this city is a perfect destination if you and your family like flat land to visit for your next holiday.

Buncrana things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • snorkeling, adventure parks, amusement parks, theme parks, swimming, water parks, tennis.

    Interactive Buncrana (Ireland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Buncrana, Ulster Ireland (IE).