
Info about Carraroe, Connaught (Ireland)

Carraroe is a city of Connaught, in Ireland (IE).

It is also called An Cheathru Rua, An Cheathrú Rua, Carraroe, Carrowroe, its latitude is 53.2640300, and its longitude -9.5985300.

With a population of 814 inhabitants, this place timezone is Europe/Dublin (Europe/Dublin_cet).

Carraroe is a popular destination for scuba diving, valleys, diving, natural places, nature, countryside, parks, secret, mountains, scenic roads, snorkeling in Ireland.


More details about Carraroe in Ireland (IE)

Carraroe time zone is UTC±00:00 (during standard time).

Carraroe meters above sea level or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 1 meters. For this it is the ideal destination if you and your beloved ones want to do a trip near the sea.

Carraroe things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • scuba diving, valleys, diving, natural places, nature, countryside, parks, secret, mountains, scenic roads, snorkeling.

    Interactive Carraroe (Ireland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Carraroe, Connaught Ireland (IE).