
Info about Semnan, (Iran)

It is also called SNX, Semnan, Semnān, smnan, Семнан, سمنان, its latitude is 35.5769100, and longitude 53.3920500.

Semnan has a population of 153.680 citizens, this place timezone is Asia/Tehran (Asia/Tehran_cet).

Semnan is popular for desert, mosques, national parks, wildlife, skiing, parks, wellness, surf, hunting, caves, geological formations, nature reserves, slopes, nature, natural places, ancient ruins, forest, spa, scenic roads, statues, monuments, historical sites, ranches, parachute, bars, farms, rivers over Iran.


More details about Semnan in Iran (IR)

It is the capital of Semnan Province.

Semnan time zone is UTC+03:30 (for standard time).

In Semnan there are 153.680 citizens, considering 2011 census. You need to call local phones. Use 231 if you are calling local phone numbers.

Its size is 97491 sq. kilometers great if you want to visit a large city, busy full of attractions or activities to do. If you stay here you may spend big money because of its very high room prices, so for this reason you could enjoy Semnan as base to find SPAs and Thermal baths after visiting the city.

Semnan elevation above sea level, basically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is 1130 mt. For this this city is the ideal place when you and family want high land to visit for your next trip and want to do hiking while on holiday far away.

Near cities are cities like Qom Province, South Khorasan Province. This is why you may effortlessly travel to these other surroundings to see new places in Iran.

For more information about Semnan go to their official website

Semnan things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • desert, mosques, national parks, wildlife, skiing, parks, wellness, surf, hunting, caves, geological formations, nature reserves, slopes, nature, natural places, ancient ruins, forest, spa, scenic roads, statues, monuments, historical sites, ranches, parachute, bars, farms, rivers.

    Interactive Semnan (Iran) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Semnan, Iran (IR).