
Info about Lembang, (Indonesia)

Lembang names are also Lembang, Lembang 1, Lembange, Лембанге, its latitude is -6.8116700, and its longitude 107.6175000.

Lembang has a population of 183.130 citizens, this city timezone is Asia/Jakarta (Asia/Jakarta_cet).

If you travel to Lembang you can enjoy farms, theme parks, amusement parks, adventure parks, ranches, biking, water parks, caves, geological formations, therms over Indonesia.


More details about Lembang in Indonesia (ID)

It has timezone UTC+07:00 (in standard time).

Lembang altitude above sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be about 1252 mt. That is why Lembang is the ideal destination when you want high ground to travel to in your next travel or are willing to do climbing when travelling somewhere in the world.

Lembang things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • farms, theme parks, amusement parks, adventure parks, ranches, biking, water parks, caves, geological formations, therms.

    Interactive Lembang (Indonesia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Lembang, Indonesia (ID).