
Info about Gero, (Indonesia)

Gero names are also Gero, its latitude is -8.7039000, and its longitude is 121.1881000.

With 5.070.746 inhabitants, its timezone is Asia/Makassar (Asia/Makassar_cet).

One of the top destinations for therms in Indonesia.


More details about Gero in Indonesia (ID)

It has timezone UTC+08:00 (in standard time).

In Gero live 5.070.746 inhabitants, according to 2014 census. Gero postal code is 80xxx, 81xxx, 82xxx, so if you want to send anything to family via post on your tripit can be used this post code as explained.

Its square area is 48718 km2, so Gero is a relatively big city, crowdy with a lot of attractions or activities to do. If you stay in this city you can find high budget accommodations due to their high accommodation prices, so for this reason you can enjoy it as your basecamp to relaxing in luxury tired by visiting this city.

Gero meters above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is around 349 meters. That is why it is an ideal destination when you and firends like tall ground to travel to in your next holiday or are willing to do winter sports while on a travel in a new country.

If you want to visit places near to Gero you can travel to cities like West Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Cova Lima Municipality, Oe-Cusse Ambeno, Bobonaro Municipality. Because of this you and your companions may very quickly go to those near destinations to see other destinations in Indonesia.

There are rivers, lakes or sea near Gero. Bodies of water like Indian Ocean, Flores Sea, Banda Sea must be visited when you and your friends want to visit cities with water.

If you need information about Gero please visit its official webpage

Gero things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • therms.

    Interactive Gero (Indonesia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Gero, Indonesia (ID).