
Info about Rāmnagar, State of Uttarakhand (India)

Rāmnagar is a city of State of Uttarakhand, in India (IN).

It is also called Ramnagar, Rāmnagar, its latitude is 29.3925000, and its longitude 79.1283000.

Rāmnagar population is 51.244 people, this city timezone is Asia/Kolkata (Asia/Kolkata_cet).

One of the top destinations for off-road trails over India.


More details about Rāmnagar in India (IN)

Rāmnagar time zone is UTC+05:30 (valid for standard time).

Rāmnagar postal code is 244715, this is why for sending postcards to family on your travel it can be used the zip as explained.

Rāmnagar meters above sea level, also called meters above sea level (MASL), should be around 345 meters. For this it is the perfect place when you and firends love high mountains to see in your next travel or are willing to do mountain rails walking if on vacation to see a new place.

Rāmnagar things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • off-road trails.

    Interactive Rāmnagar (India) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Rāmnagar, State of Uttarakhand India (IN).