
Info about Ghogha, State of Gujarāt (India)

Ghogha is a city of State of Gujarāt, with country India (IN).

Ghogha names are also Cogna, Ghogha, Gogha, its latitude is 21.6881300, and longitude 72.2763000.

In Ghogha are located 11.361 residents, Ghogha timezone is Asia/Kolkata (Asia/Kolkata_cet).

Ghogha is one of the top destinations for mosques in all India.


More details about Ghogha in India (IN)

It is the capital of Ghogha Taluka.

It has timezone UTC+05:30 (during standard time).

Ghogha zip code is 364110, then if you want to send anything to friends via post in Ghogha it can be used 364110 postal code as per description above.

Ghogha elevation above sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is under 0 meters. That is why this city is the ideal destination if you want beaches and sea.

Ghogha things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mosques.

    Interactive Ghogha (India) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Ghogha, State of Gujarāt India (IN).