
Info about Szabolcs, (Hungary)

Other names for Szabolcs are Szabolcs, latitude is 48.1833300, and longitude 21.5000000.

Szabolcs has a population of 413 people, this city timezone is Europe/Budapest (Europe/Budapest_cet).

Szabolcs is a popular travel destination for volcanoes, wakeboard, canoeing, mosques, hunting, water skiing around Hungary.


More details about Szabolcs in Hungary (HU)

Szabolcs has timezone Central European Time (valid for standard time).

In Szabolcs there are 413 people, considering 2015 last census. You are looking to dial local phone numbers? If you want to call local numbers in Szabolcs you can use 42 as local dialing code. It’s zip code is 4467, then if you want to send anything to friends via post in Szabolcs you can use the zip code as per description above.

Szabolcs size is 5 square km. so it is very relaxing area , suggested place for travelers that like quiet places as a cheap base location to stay, an incredibly quite countryside area with no distractions common of large cities. If you book an accommodation in Szabolcs you can find cheap accommodations because of their low rooms rates, and this is why you and your travel companions can use it like a base in order to move across Hungary and Szabolcs near adventures.

Its height above sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 0 meters. That’s why this is the ideal destination when you and your partner like sea places.

If you’re looking for detailed information for this city please visit Szabolcs official website

Szabolcs things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • volcanoes, wakeboard, canoeing, mosques, hunting, water skiing.

    Interactive Szabolcs (Hungary) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Szabolcs, Hungary (HU).