
Info about Göd, (Hungary)

Also called Alsogod, Alsógöd, Felsogod, Felsőgöd, God, Göd, its latitude is 47.6832400, and its longitude is 19.1341700.

With 18.218 citizens, Göd timezone is Europe/Budapest (Europe/Budapest_cet).

In Göd you can do biking over Hungary.


More details about Göd in Hungary (HU)

It is located in time zone Central European Time (valid in period standard time).

Göd population is 18.218 inhabitants, related to 2018 latest census. Do You need to use telephone for calling local phones! You can use 27 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. Göd postal code is 2131, so for post delivery on your tripthis can be done by using the postal code as described above.

Göd area is 22 square kilometers, for this reason Göd is nicely quiet town a good destination for people that like quiet places for a quiet base location to sleep, an incredibly calm place with no confusion that you find in big cities. In Göd you can find cheap hotels due to Göd economic accommodation costs, so for this reason you and your travel companions may use it like your basecamp in order to visit all Hungary or Göd near places.

Göd altitude above mean sea level, also called meters above sea level (MASL), is around 0 mt. For this reason Göd is an ideal travel destination when you and family love sea places.

If you travel with a car you can visit near cities, cities like Szigetmonostor, Pócsmegyer. As those cities are very close to Göd you and your family may very quickly reach these near trip destinations to see other destinations in Hungary.

For more information for Göd you can have a look at its official website http://god.hu/.

Göd things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • biking.

    Interactive Göd (Hungary) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Göd, Hungary (HU).