
Info about Balatongyörök, (Hungary)

Alternate names are Balatongyorok, Balatongyörök, latitude is 46.7583300, and longitude is 17.3546200.

With a population of 1.060 citizens, this city timezone is Europe/Budapest (Europe/Budapest_cet).

Balatongyörök is popular for windsurfing, volcanoes, lakes in all Hungary.


More details about Balatongyörök in Hungary (HU)

Located in time zone Central European Time (valid for standard time).

In Balatongyörök live 1.060 citizens, according to 2019 census. You want to have a call local phone numbers! Use 83 if you are calling local phone numbers. It’s zip code is 8313, so if you want to send anything to friends by post it can be used the zip code as described above.

Balatongyörök square area is 3759 square km., so Balatongyörök is ideal for people who like large cities, crowdy full of things to do or activities to do. If you book an accommodation in Balatongyörök you may find expensive accommodations because of their high room rates, so for this reason you may enjoy it like basecamp if you want to relaxing in luxury tired by going around the metropolis.

Its elevation above mean sea level, that is meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) counts 0 mt. This is why this city is an ideal trip destination when you love seaside places.

There are also other near cities you can visit, cities like Balatonederics, Vonyarcvashegy. For this reason you and your friends could effortlessly travel to these near destinations for new adventures in Hungary.

If you are looking for sea, rivers, lakes in Balatongyörök. Bodies of water like Lake Balaton must be seen if you and your friends want to visit destinations with a lot of water.

If you want information about this city please have a look at its official website

Balatongyörök things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • windsurfing, volcanoes, lakes.

    Interactive Balatongyörök (Hungary) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Balatongyörök, Hungary (HU).