
Info about Mirebalais, Centre (Haiti)

Mirebalais region is Centre, in country Haiti (HT).

Alternate names are Bourg Saint Louis, Mibale, Mibalè, Mirebalais, latitude is 18.8345500, and longitude -72.1048000.

Mirebalais population is 9.082 people, this region timezone is America/Port-au-Prince (America/Port-au-Prince_cet).

Mirebalais is considered one of the top destinations for religious sites, fountains, parachute, caves, lakes, clubs, valleys, countryside, rivers, bridges, disco, islands, walkways, treasure hunts, hunting, running, mines, ancient ruins in Haiti.


More details about Mirebalais in Haiti (HT)

Its area is 330 square kilometers so its a mid-sized city, in our opinion a city that you should visit. If you stay here you can save money because of its cheap rooms rates, so this is why you may have it like base if you want to move across Haiti and Mirebalais near places.

Its elevation above sea level, called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 163 mt. This is why this city is the ideal trip destination if you and partner want flat land to travel to in your next holiday.

Mirebalais things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • religious sites, fountains, parachute, caves, lakes, clubs, valleys, countryside, rivers, bridges, disco, islands, walkways, treasure hunts, hunting, running, mines, ancient ruins.

    Interactive Mirebalais (Haiti) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Mirebalais, Centre Haiti (HT).