
Info about Dinguiraye, Faranah Region (Guinea)

Dinguiraye region is Faranah Region, with country Guinea (GN).

Alternate names are Dinguiray, Dinguiraye, latitude is 11.2906200, and its longitude is -10.7121000.

Dinguiraye has a population of 6.062 residents, its timezone is Africa/Conakry (Africa/Conakry_cet).

Top destination for disco, secret, religious sites, music, ancient ruins around Guinea.


More details about Dinguiraye in Guinea (GN)

Dinguiraye square area is 14500 square km., so Dinguiraye is ideal for people who like big cities, crowdy with a lot of distractions and activities to do. In Dinguiraye you may find expensive accommodations because of its high accommodation costs, so for this reason you could enjoy it as base in order to relax after going around the metropolis.

Its meters above mean sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is 0 meters. This is why it is an ideal travel destination if you love to do a sea travel.

Near cities are for example Siguiri Prefecture, Kouroussa Prefecture, Dabola Prefecture, Mamou Prefecture, Tougué Prefecture. So you and your family can in few time go to those near destinations for new Guinea adventures.

Dinguiraye things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • disco, secret, religious sites, music, ancient ruins.

    Interactive Dinguiraye (Guinea) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Dinguiraye, Faranah Region Guinea (GN).