San Andrés Semetabaj

Info about San Andrés Semetabaj, Departamento de Sololá (Guatemala)

San Andrés Semetabaj is a city in Departamento de Sololá, in Guatemala (GT).

It is also called San Andres, San Andres Semetabaj, San Andrés, San Andrés Semetabaj, its latitude is 14.7449700, and longitude is -91.1334400.

San Andrés Semetabaj population is 4.405 people, this location timezone is America/Guatemala (America/Guatemala_cet).

San Andrés Semetabaj is famous for activities like statues, monuments, walkways, countryside, historical sites, islands, parks, nature, events, natural places, museums, forest, mountains, religious sites, snorkeling, geological formations, lakes, adventure, architectural buildings, ancient ruins, scenic roads around Guatemala.


More details about San Andrés Semetabaj in Guatemala (GT)

San Andrés Semetabaj time zone is UTC−06:00 (valid in period standard time).

In San Andrés Semetabaj there are 4.405 people, according to 2002 census. You want to call local people. If you want to call local numbers in San Andrés Semetabaj you can use 502 as local dialing code. San Andrés Semetabaj zip code is 07009, so for sending postcards to friends this can be done by using the post code as described above.

Its dimension is 1061 square kilometers, ideal for people who like metropolies, busy full of distractions or entertainment. Here you may find expensive accommodations because of its very high rooms costs, and for this reason you could enjoy San Andrés Semetabaj as base in order to find SPAs and Thermal baths tired by visiting this city.

San Andrés Semetabaj height above mean sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 1945 mt. For this this is an ideal place if you and partner want high ground to travel to in your next trip and want to do trekking if you are travelling away from home.

Shares borders with for example cities like Panajachel, Chichicastenango, San Antonio Palopó, Santa Catarina Palopó, Tecpán Guatemala, Patzún. As those cities are very close to San Andrés Semetabaj you can easily travel to these other trip destinations to see new places in Guatemala.

Its Saint is Andrew.

San Andrés Semetabaj things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • statues, monuments, walkways, countryside, historical sites, islands, parks, nature, events, natural places, museums, forest, mountains, religious sites, snorkeling, geological formations, lakes, adventure, architectural buildings, ancient ruins, scenic roads.

    Interactive San Andrés Semetabaj (Guatemala) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of San Andrés Semetabaj, Departamento de Sololá Guatemala (GT).