
Info about Petit-Bourg, Guadeloupe (Guadeloupe)

Petit-Bourg is a place in Guadeloupe, Guadeloupe, Arrondissement de la Basse-Terre, situated in Guadeloupe (GP).

It is also called Peti-Bur, Petit-Bourg, Pti Bur, Pti-Burg, byty-bwr, pwty bwr, Петі-Бур, Пти Бур, Пти-Бург, بيتي-بور, پوتی بور, its latitude is 16.1916300, and longitude is -61.5914000.

Petit-Bourg population is 24.277 citizens, its timezone is America/Guadeloupe (America/Guadeloupe_cet).

For your trip to Petit-Bourg you can water skiing, skiing, windsurfing, tennis, water sports, jet skiing, water parks, national parks, theme parks, adventure parks, wellness, trail running, playgrounds, amusement parks, statues, events, slopes, festival, countryside, adventure, parks, valleys, mountains, fountains, music, religious sites, caves, lakes, gardens, monuments, rivers, forest, towers, historical sites, nature, architectural buildings, castles, paddleboarding, ranches, farms, geological formations, nature reserves, museums, running, secret, disco, biking, walkways, natural places, clubs, wildlife, boat rides, ancient ruins, churches in Guadeloupe.


More details about Petit-Bourg in Guadeloupe (GP)

It is the capital of canton of Petit-Bourg.

Petit-Bourg time zone is UTC−04:00 (for standard time).

In Petit-Bourg there are 24.277 citizens, if we consider 2017 latest census. Petit-Bourg zip code is 97170, for this reason, if you want to send anything to your friends via post on your travel it can be used this zip as described above.

Its square area is 129 sq. kilometers, so its a mid-sized city, in our opinion a town worth a visit. If you stay here you can find cheap hotels due to its low accommodation prices, so this is why you could have it like a base to visit all Guadeloupe or Petit-Bourg near adventures.

Petit-Bourg elevation above mean sea level basically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), counts 0 mt. For this this city is a perfect destination if you love to do a trip near the sea.

Shares borders with cities like Baie-Mahault, Bouillante, Goyave, Lamentin, Pointe-Noire, Vieux-Habitants. As those cities are near Petit-Bourg you and your companions can very quickly travel to these near destinations to see new places in Guadeloupe.

If you are searching for information on Petit-Bourg see its official website

Petit-Bourg things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • water skiing, skiing, windsurfing, tennis, water sports, jet skiing, water parks, national parks, theme parks, adventure parks, wellness, trail running, playgrounds, amusement parks, statues, events, slopes, festival, countryside, adventure, parks, valleys, mountains, fountains, music, religious sites, caves, lakes, gardens, monuments, rivers, forest, towers, historical sites, nature, architectural buildings, castles, paddleboarding, ranches, farms, geological formations, nature reserves, museums, running, secret, disco, biking, walkways, natural places, clubs, wildlife, boat rides, ancient ruins, churches.

    Interactive Petit-Bourg (Guadeloupe) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Petit-Bourg, Guadeloupe Guadeloupe Guadeloupe (GP).