
Info about Baillif, Guadeloupe (Guadeloupe)

Baillif is a in Guadeloupe, Guadeloupe, Arrondissement de la Basse-Terre, in Guadeloupe (GP).

Baillif names are also Baif, Baillif, Le Baillif, bayf, Баїф, بايف, its latitude is 16.0203700, and its longitude is -61.7461100.

In Baillif there are 5.605 folks, its timezone is America/Guadeloupe (America/Guadeloupe_cet).

In Baillif you can do paddle, horse trails, parachute, abseiling, paddleboarding, canoeing, cathedrals, rivers, museums, ranches, festival, caves, historical sites, monuments, architectural buildings, valleys, music, nature, churches, nature reserves, wildlife, natural places, geological formations around Guadeloupe.


More details about Baillif in Guadeloupe (GP)

It has timezone UTC−04:00 (valid for standard time).

In Baillif live 5.605 folks, according to 2017 last census. Baillif postal code is 97123, so for post delivery in Baillif it can be used 97123 postal code as per description above.

Its dimensions are 24 square km., this is why Baillif should be nicely quiet area , a nice solution for who like relaxing destinations as base on a trip, an incredibly quite city without confusion typical of large urban areas. Here you can find cheap hotels due to their cheap rooms prices, and for this reason you and your friends could have it like basecamp if you want to visit all Guadeloupe or Baillif near things to do.

Baillif altitude above mean sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 0 meters. That is why Baillif is an ideal travel destination if you and partner want being near the sea.

Near Baillif there are nice cities to visit, very friendly places like Vieux-Habitants, Basse-Terre, Capesterre-Belle-Eau, Saint-Claude. This is why you and your family can in few time go to these near wonderful destinations for new adventures.

Baillif things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • paddle, horse trails, parachute, abseiling, paddleboarding, canoeing, cathedrals, rivers, museums, ranches, festival, caves, historical sites, monuments, architectural buildings, valleys, music, nature, churches, nature reserves, wildlife, natural places, geological formations.

    Interactive Baillif (Guadeloupe) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Baillif, Guadeloupe Guadeloupe Guadeloupe (GP).