
Info about Attendorn, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)

Attendorn region is Nordrhein-Westfalen, Regierungsbezirk Arnsberg, Kreis Olpe, in Germany (DE).

Alternate names are Atendorn, Atendornas, Atenduorns, Attandara, Attendorn, a teng duo er en, atndwrm, atndwrn, Атендорн, Аттендорн, آتندورم, آتندورن, 阿滕多尔恩, latitude is 51.1264500, and its longitude is 7.9033300.

Its population is 24.367 citizens, its timezone is Europe/Berlin (Europe/Berlin_cet).

In Attendorn you can enjoy activities like caves around Germany.


More details about Attendorn in Germany (DE)

Located in time zone UTC+01:00 (in standard time).

In Attendorn live 24.367 citizens, according to 2019 census. Do You are looking to dial local phones. Local dialing code for Attendorn is 2722. It’s postal code is 57439, so if you want to send anything to family via post it can be used this postal code as per description.

Its area is 97 km2, so its a medium sized city, definitely a place worth visiting. In this town you save money because of its economic housing rates, and this is why you could have it as a base if you want to move across Germany and Attendorn near adventures.

Its meters above mean sea level, technically meters above sea level (MASL), should be around 257 meters above sea. This is why it is an ideal destination if you and partner want flat land to see for your next holiday.

Attendorn shares borders with very cool cities like Finnentrop, Drolshagen, Olpe. As those cities are near Attendorn you and your companions may effortlessly reach those other travel destinations to see new places in Germany.

If you’re looking for more detailed information about Attendorn you can visit its website

Attendorn things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • caves.

    Interactive Attendorn (Germany) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Attendorn, Nordrhein-Westfalen Regierungsbezirk Arnsberg Germany (DE).