
Info about Salem, Baden-Württemberg (Germany)

Salem region is Baden-Württemberg, Tübingen Region, Bodenseekreis, with country Germany (DE).

Alternate names are Baden, Salem, Zalem, Баден, Залем, latitude is 47.7625800, and longitude is 9.2903100.

With 11.345 natives, this location timezone is Europe/Berlin (Europe/Berlin_cet).

Things you can do in Salem are wildlife in Germany.


More details about Salem in Germany (DE)

It is the capital of Salem Abbey. The official name for Salem is Salem (FN).

In Salem live 11.345 natives, according to 2019 census. You want to use telephone for calling local phones. You can use 7553 as local dialing code for phone numbers. It’s zip code is 88682, so for post delivery in Salem it can be used 88682 zip code as per description above.

Salem square area is 63 sq. kilometers, ideal for travelling to mid-sized cities, in our opinion a town worth visiting. In this town you can find cheap hotels due to Salem economic accommodation rates, and this is why you could use Salem as base to visit all Germany or Salem near places.

Its elevation above mean sea level, basically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), should be around 440 meters. This is why this city is an ideal travel destination if you and friends want tall land to see for your next trip and love sports on top of mountains when travelling somewhere in the world.

If you travel with a car you can visit near cities, beautiful cities like Überlingen, Uhldingen-Mühlhofen. As those cities are near Salem you and your family may very quickly go to those other surroundings for new adventures in Germany.

For extra info about Salem go to Salem official webpage

Salem things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • wildlife.

    Interactive Salem (Germany) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Salem, Baden-Württemberg Tübingen Region Germany (DE).