
Info about Gamba, (Gabon)

Gamba is also called GAX, Gamba, latitude is -2.6500000, and its longitude is 10.0000000.

In Gamba there are 9.928 residents, this area timezone is Africa/Libreville (Africa/Libreville_cet).

Some of the things you can do if you travel to Gamba are boat rides, hunting, fishing, canoeing, scenic roads, volcanoes, paddle, biking, islands, shooting ranges, geological formations, rivers, towers, water parks, national parks, mountains, zoo, swimming, nature reserves, slopes, parks, running, lakes, secret, hiking, bridges, playgrounds, wildlife, off-road trails, bars, historical sites around Gabon.


More details about Gamba in Gabon (GA)

It is the capital of Ndougou Department.

Its altitude above mean sea level or meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is under 0 meters above sea. Because of this Gamba is an ideal travel destination when you and family like seaside areas.

Gamba things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • boat rides, hunting, fishing, canoeing, scenic roads, volcanoes, paddle, biking, islands, shooting ranges, geological formations, rivers, towers, water parks, national parks, mountains, zoo, swimming, nature reserves, slopes, parks, running, lakes, secret, hiking, bridges, playgrounds, wildlife, off-road trails, bars, historical sites.

    Interactive Gamba (Gabon) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Gamba, Gabon (GA).