
Info about Collias, Occitanie (France)

Collias is a city of Occitanie, Gard, Arrondissement de Nîmes, with country France (FR).

It is also called Colhac, Colhaç, Collias, Kol’jas, Kolija, ke li a, Колија, Кольяс, 科利阿, its latitude is 43.9555100, and longitude 4.4779700.

In Collias there are 1.090 inhabitants, this location timezone is Europe/Paris (Europe/Paris_cet).

Best destination for canoeing, rafting, paddleboarding, kayaking in France.


More details about Collias in France (FR)

Collias time zone is UTC+01:00 (during standard time).

In Collias there are 1.090 inhabitants, considering 2017 last census. Collias zip code is 30210, then for sending postcards to your family from Collias this can be done by using the post code as per description above.

Its dimension is 20 sq. km. so it is counted as relatively relaxing city suggested travel destination for people that are searching for small destinations for base location to sleep, a calm countryside area with no distractions that you find in large urban areas. If you book an accommodation in Collias you can find cheap accommodations because of their cheap room prices, and for this reason you can use it like base in order to move across France and Collias near things to do.

Collias elevation above sea level, called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is 20 meters. For this this city is the ideal place when you and your partner like flat areas to go to in your next trip.

Near Collias there are nice cities to visit, cities like Argilliers, Cabrières, Lédenon, Saint-Maximin, Sanilhac-Sagriès, Vers-Pont-du-Gard. As those cities are near Collias you may easily reach those other trip destinations to see new places in France.

If you want information for Collias have a look at their website

Collias things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • canoeing, rafting, paddleboarding, kayaking.

    Interactive Collias (France) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Collias, Occitanie Gard France (FR).