
Info about Baudreix, Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France)

Baudreix is a village in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Arrondissement de Pau, situated in France (FR).

Also called Baudreish, Baudreix, Beaudreix, Bedreks, Bodre, Bodreks, bo de lei, Бедрекс, Бодре, Бодрекс, 博德雷, its latitude is 43.2040200, and longitude is -0.2580700.

In Baudreix are settled 611 natives, its timezone is Europe/Paris (Europe/Paris_cet).

In Baudreix you can do wakeboard in France.


More details about Baudreix in France (FR)

It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (in standard time).

Population of Baudreix is 611 folks, considering 2017 latest census. Baudreix zip code is 64800, so if you want to send anything to family via post on your travel it can be used 64800 zip as per description above.

Its dimensions are 2 km2, this is why it is counted as very small place a good place for trippers that are interested in quiet places as location to sleep, a quiet city with no distractions common in big cities. In this town you can find cheap accommodations because of its economic rooms rates, so for this reason you can use it as your base in order to move across France and Baudreix near adventures.

Baudreix elevation above mean sea level that is meters above sea level (MASL), is about 249 meters above sea. For this reason this city is an ideal destination when you want flat ground to go to for your next holiday.

Near Baudreix you can find beautiful cities like Arros-de-Nay, Beuste, Boeil-Bezing, Bourdettes, Lagos, Mirepeix. As those cities are near Baudreix you and your companions may effortlessly visit these close travel destinations to see new places in France.

If you want extra data on Baudreix you can visit its official website

Baudreix things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • wakeboard.

    Interactive Baudreix (France) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Baudreix, Nouvelle-Aquitaine Pyrénées-Atlantiques France (FR).