
Info about Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France)

Saint-Gervais-les-Bains region is Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Haute-Savoie, Arrondissement de Bonneville, in France (FR).

Alternate names are Fanum Sancti Gervasii ad Balnea, Saint-Gervais, Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, Sen-Zherve-le-Ben, Verosse, Vérosse, Сен-Жерве-ле-Бен, سینٹ-گروس-لیس-بانس, latitude is 45.8912600, and longitude 6.7167800.

In Saint-Gervais-les-Bains are settled 5.573 people, this place timezone is Europe/Paris (Europe/Paris_cet).

Popular things to do in Saint-Gervais-les-Bains are therms, mountains in France.


More details about Saint-Gervais-les-Bains in France (FR)

It is the capital of canton of Saint-Gervais-les-Bains.

Located in time zone UTC+01:00 (in standard time).

In Saint-Gervais-les-Bains live 5.573 people, considering 2017 census. It’s zip code is 74170, then for post delivery this can be done by using 74170 zip code as described above.

Its area is 63 km2 ideal for people who like medium-sized cities, in our opinion a city worth visiting. Here you can find cheap accommodations due to their low room prices, and this is why you can have Saint-Gervais-les-Bains as base if you want to visit all France or Saint-Gervais-les-Bains near cities.

Its height above sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 571 meters. This is why this is the ideal travel destination when you and firends love tall land to go to for your next vacation or are willing to do climbing when on a vacation far away.

Near Saint-Gervais-les-Bains you can find astonishing cities like Courmayeur, Combloux, Les Contamines-Montjoie, Demi-Quartier, Domancy, Les Houches, Megève, Passy. For this reason you and your family could in few time go to these near destinations for new adventures in France.

If you need other info about this city please have a look at Saint-Gervais-les-Bains official website

Very important monuments important to have a look at for people travelling to Saint-Gervais-les-Bains are:

    Refuge du Nid d’Aigle

Saint-Gervais-les-Bains things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • therms, mountains.

    Interactive Saint-Gervais-les-Bains (France) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie France (FR).