
Info about Annecy, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France)

Annecy region is Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, in France (FR).

Alternate names are Aneci, Anecí, Annecium, Annecy, Annesi, Ansi, Ansī, Eneci, NCY, a ne xi, ansi, ansy, anushi, anwsy, Èneci, Аннесі, Анси, Ансі, آنسي, انسی, انوسی, アヌシー, 阿讷西, 안시, latitude is 45.9087800, and longitude 6.1256500.

Annecy has a population of 126.924 inhabitants, this city timezone is Europe/Paris (Europe/Paris_cet).

Annecy is one of the best destinations for rafting, swimming, mountains, countryside, geological formations, natural places, nature, snorkeling, treasure hunts, scenic roads, valleys, jet skiing, forest, caves, castles, hunting, volcanoes, adventure, shooting ranges, paddleboarding, parachute, paddle, snow tubing, farms, playgrounds, religious sites in France.


More details about Annecy in France (FR)

It is the capital of Haute-Savoie.

Located in time zone UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

In Annecy live 126.924 inhabitants, considering 2017 latest census. It’s zip code is 74000, then for sending postcards to friends from Annecy this can be done by using 74000 postal code as per description above.

Its area is 66 sq. kilometers so Annecy is a medium size city, in our opinion a place worth a visit. In this town you save money due to Annecy low hotel prices, so for this reason you could have it as a base to visit all France and Annecy near adventures.

Its elevation above sea level, basically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is 448 meters. This is why this city is the ideal place when you like high areas to visit in your next travel or are willing to do trail when going to visit a new place.

Near cities are cities like Sevrier, Veyrier-du-Lac, Alex, Dingy-Saint-Clair, Nâves-Parmelan, Villaz, Argonay, Fillière, Cuvat, La Balme-de-Sillingy, Épagny-Metz-Tessy, Poisy, Chavanod, Montagny-les-Lanches, Chapeiry, Viuz-la-Chiésaz, Quintal. For this reason you may effortlessly travel to those near wonderful destinations to explore more France.

You can see lakes, rivers and sea in Annecy. Bodies of water like Thiou are a must if you and your friends like cities with a lot of water.

If you’re looking for extra information on Annecy have a look at their website

Very important monuments worth to mention for travellers to Annecy are:

    Parc des Sports, Annecy

Annecy is also awarded for Alpine Town of the Year.

Annecy things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • rafting, swimming, mountains, countryside, geological formations, natural places, nature, snorkeling, treasure hunts, scenic roads, valleys, jet skiing, forest, caves, castles, hunting, volcanoes, adventure, shooting ranges, paddleboarding, parachute, paddle, snow tubing, farms, playgrounds, religious sites.

    Interactive Annecy (France) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Annecy, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes France (FR).