
Info about Tikkurila, Uusimaa (Finland)

Tikkurila region is Uusimaa, Helsinki, in Finland (FI).

Tikkurila is also called Dickursby, latitude is 60.2934900, and longitude 25.0375800.

In Tikkurila live 4.976 inhabitants, its timezone is Europe/Helsinki (Europe/Helsinki_cet).

Things you can do in Tikkurila are canoeing, kayaking, paddle, wellness in Finland.


More details about Tikkurila in Finland (FI)

Population of Tikkurila is 4.976 occupants, if we consider 2010 last census. It’s zip code is 01300, this is why if you want to send anything to friends by post from Tikkurila it can be used 01300 zip as described above.

Tikkurila dimension is 1 sq. kilometers so it seems to be quitely calm place , a good travel destination for people that like relaxing cities for their base on a travel, a quiet countryside without distractions that characterizes large cities. If you stay in this town you can find cheap accommodations because of its cheap rooms rates, so this is why you and your friends could use Tikkurila as a base if you want to visit all Finland or Tikkurila near adventures.

Its elevation above sea level, technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is under 0 meters. Because of this this city is the perfect trip destination if you and your friends like beaches and sea.

Tikkurila near cities are cities like Viertola, Simonkylä, Hiekkaharju, Jokiniemi, Kuninkaala. For this reason you and your friends could effortlessly go to those other surroundings for new destinations in Finland.

Tikkurila things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • canoeing, kayaking, paddle, wellness.

    Interactive Tikkurila (Finland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Tikkurila, Uusimaa Helsinki Finland (FI).