
Info about Haldarsvík, Streymoyar Sýsla (Faroe Islands)

Haldarsvík is a location in Streymoyar Sýsla, located in Faroe Islands (FO).

Also called Haldarsvik, Haldarsvík, Haldersvig, Haldorsvig, Haldorsvik, Haldórsvík, its latitude is 62.2755500, and its longitude is -7.0933100.

Haldarsvík population is 114 residents, this place timezone is Atlantic/Faroe (Atlantic/Faroe_cet).

Things to do in Haldarsvík are mountains over Faroe Islands.


More details about Haldarsvík in Faroe Islands (FO)

Haldarsvík population is 114 citizens, considering 2019 last census.

Haldarsvík altitude above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 0 mt. For this reason Haldarsvík is a perfect destination if you and your partner love seaside places.

Haldarsvík things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mountains.

    Interactive Haldarsvík (Faroe Islands) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Haldarsvík, Streymoyar Sýsla Faroe Islands (FO).