
Info about Ala, Valgamaa (Estonia)

Ala region is Valgamaa, Tõrva vald, and country is Estonia (EE).

Other names for Ala are Ala, Ala-Taagepera, Svyatogo, Taagepera, Wagenkull, Wagenküll, Ала, Таагепера, latitude is 58.0161100, and longitude 25.6900000.

Its population is 237 residents, its timezone is Europe/Tallinn (Europe/Tallinn_cet).

Ala is popular for biking in all Estonia.


More details about Ala in Estonia (EE)

In Ala there are 237 residents, considering 2019 last census. It’s zip code is 68507, then for sending postcards to your friends it can be used the postal code as explained.

Its height above sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 0 meters. That’s why this is the ideal place when you and your partner like to do a trip near the sea.

Ala things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • biking.

    Interactive Ala (Estonia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Ala, Valgamaa Tõrva vald Estonia (EE).