
Info about Männiku, Raplamaa (Estonia)

Männiku region is Raplamaa, Märjamaa vald, in country Estonia (EE).

Other names for Männiku are Manniku, Myanniku, Männiku, latitude is 58.9727800, and longitude 24.3572200.

In Männiku live 17 people, its timezone is Europe/Tallinn (Europe/Tallinn_cet).

Männiku is considered one of the best destinations for abseiling, boat rides in Estonia.


More details about Männiku in Estonia (EE)

In Männiku there are 17 people, related to 2019 last census.

Its elevation above sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 0 mt. That’s why this city is the perfect trip destination if you and your family love the sea.

Männiku things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • abseiling, boat rides.

    Interactive Männiku (Estonia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Männiku, Raplamaa Märjamaa vald Estonia (EE).