
Info about El-Tor, (Egypt)

El-Tor names are also Al-Tur, At Tur, Aţ Ţūr, ELT, El-Tor, El-Tur, El-Tûr, Et Tor, Raithu, Thur, Tor, Tor Sinai City, Tur Sinai, altwr, الطور, its latitude is 28.2416800, and its longitude is 33.6222000.

El-Tor has a population of 12.733 inhabitants, this city timezone is Africa/Cairo (Africa/Cairo_cet).

El-Tor is one of the top destinations for hammam, cathedrals, churches around Egypt.


More details about El-Tor in Egypt (EG)

It is the capital of South Sinai Governorate.

It has timezone UTC+02:00 (valid for standard time).

In El-Tor live 12.733 inhabitants, according to 2006 latest census.

Its square area is 31272 square km., so El-Tor is a relatively big city, crowdy full of attractions or entertainment. In El-Tor you may spend big money because of El-Tor high room costs, so for this reason you can enjoy it like base to relaxing in luxury after visiting the city.

El-Tor meters above mean sea level, called also meters above sea level (MASL), should be about 14 mt. That is why it is an ideal trip destination when you and firends want to do a sea travel.

For detailed information on El-Tor you can visit El-Tor website http://www.southsinai.gov.eg.

El-Tor appears to be designated as World Heritage classified by UNESCO selection, starting from +1994.

El-Tor things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hammam, cathedrals, churches.

    Interactive El-Tor (Egypt) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of El-Tor, Egypt (EG).