
Info about Jetřichovice, Ústecký kraj (Czechia)

Jetřichovice is a village in Ústecký kraj, Okres Děčín, in country Czechia (CZ).

Jetřichovice names are also Dittersbach, its latitude is 50.8523900, and longitude is 14.3939100.

Jetřichovice has a population of 398 citizens, this city timezone is Europe/Prague (Europe/Prague_cet).

For your trip to Jetřichovice you can hiking, cathedrals, churches around Czechia.


More details about Jetřichovice in Czechia (CZ)

In Jetřichovice live 398 citizens, if we consider 2019 census. Jetřichovice zip code is 407 16, for this reason, if you want to send anything to your friends by post in Jetřichovice it can be used 407 16 zip code as explained.

Its dimension is 44 sq. kilometers, so it is counted as quitely calm area great place for travelers that are interested in quiet places as a good base to stay, a quiet area with no confusion common in big cities. If you book an accommodation in Jetřichovice you can find cheap hotels because of Jetřichovice low rooms rates, and this is why you and your friends could have Jetřichovice like basecamp if you want to move across Czechia and Jetřichovice near adventures.

Jetřichovice elevation above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 234 meters. That is why this city is a perfect trip destination if you and your friends want flat ground to go to for your next vacation.

Near cities are cities like Doubice, Janská, Chřibská, Hřensko, Srbská Kamenice, Kunratice, Růžová, Sebnitz. As those cities are near Jetřichovice you and your friends can in few time visit those close destinations for new Czechia adventures.

For detailed information about Jetřichovice go to its official webpage

Jetřichovice things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hiking, cathedrals, churches.

    Interactive Jetřichovice (Czechia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Jetřichovice, Ústecký kraj Okres Děčín Czechia (CZ).