Dobrá Voda

Info about Dobrá Voda, Kraj Vysočina (Czechia)

Dobrá Voda region is Kraj Vysočina, Okres Žďár nad Sázavou, in Czechia (CZ).

latitude is 49.3939000, and longitude is 16.0650400.

Its population is 375 inhabitants, this place timezone is Europe/Prague (Europe/Prague_cet).

Popular things to do in Dobrá Voda are ranches in Czechia.


More details about Dobrá Voda in Czechia (CZ)

In Dobrá Voda live 375 inhabitants, according to 2019 census. It’s zip code is 594 51, so for post delivery on your tripyou can use the zip code as per description above.

Dobrá Voda dimension is 8 sq. kilometers, so it is nicely relaxing place nice place for who are interested in small destinations for base to travel to, an incredibly quite countryside with no loudness that characterizes large cities. If you stay in this town you can find cheap hotels because of their economic room rates, and this is why you can have it as basecamp if you want to move across Czechia and Dobrá Voda near places.

Its elevation above mean sea level, called also meters above sea level (MASL), should be around 545 meters. This is why this city is an ideal travel destination if you and partner like high land to see in your next travel and want to do adventure in the nature if on a trip somewhere else.

Dobrá Voda shares borders with cities like Bory, Vídeň, Jívoví, Kozlov, Křižanov. As those cities are very close to Dobrá Voda you and your family can effortlessly visit those close wonderful destinations to see other destinations in Czechia.

For information about Dobrá Voda please visit its website

Dobrá Voda things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • ranches.

    Interactive Dobrá Voda (Czechia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Dobrá Voda, Kraj Vysočina Okres Žďár nad Sázavou Czechia (CZ).