Kaštel Gomilica

Info about Kaštel Gomilica, Splitsko-Dalmatinska Županija (Croatia)

Kaštel Gomilica region is Splitsko-Dalmatinska Županija, in Croatia (HR).

Kaštel Gomilica is also called Gomilica, Kastel Gomilica, Kaštel Gomilica, latitude is 43.5500000, and its longitude 16.4000000.

With a population of 4.811 folks, this location timezone is Europe/Zagreb (Europe/Zagreb_cet).

Some of the activities you can do in Kaštel Gomilica are scenic roads, countryside, natural places, walkways, nature, religious sites in Croatia.


More details about Kaštel Gomilica in Croatia (HR)

It’s time zone is UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

It’s population is 4.811 inhabitants, if we consider 2011 last census. It’s postal code is 21 213, this is why if you want to send anything to your family by post from Kaštel Gomilica this can be done by using this zip code as per description.

Its meters above sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 0 mt. Because of this it is the perfect trip destination when you and firends like to watch the sea.

Kaštel Gomilica things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • scenic roads, countryside, natural places, walkways, nature, religious sites.

    Interactive Kaštel Gomilica (Croatia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Kaštel Gomilica, Splitsko-Dalmatinska Županija Croatia (HR).