
Info about Bale, Istarska Županija (Croatia)

Bale region is Istarska Županija, and country is Croatia (HR).

Alternate names are Bal, Bale, Valle, Valle d’Istria, Valle d’Istria, latitude is 45.0405600, and longitude 13.7836100.

Bale population is 890 occupants, this location timezone is Europe/Zagreb (Europe/Zagreb_cet).

Bale is popular for playgrounds, biking, wine bars, shopping, architectural buildings over Croatia.


More details about Bale in Croatia (HR)

It’s zip code is 52211, this is why for sending postcards to your family on your travel it can be used the code as per description.

Bale dimension is 81 km2 so its a mid-sized city, in our opinion a town worth a visit. In Bale you save money due to their economic housing costs, so this is why you can use it as basecamp in order to visit all Croatia and Bale near cities.

Its height above sea level, basically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) is 142 mt. This is why this is the perfect place when you love plain areas to visit for your next vacation.

For more information on Bale see its official website

Bale things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • playgrounds, biking, wine bars, shopping, architectural buildings.

    Interactive Bale (Croatia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Bale, Istarska Županija Croatia (HR).