
Info about Desamparados, Provincia de San José (Costa Rica)

Desamparados is a in Provincia de San José, Desamparados, in Costa Rica (CR).

Desamparados names are also Desamparados, its latitude is 9.8968000, and its longitude is -84.0629400.

Desamparados is famous for activities like events, music, festival, scenic roads, churches over Costa Rica.


More details about Desamparados in Costa Rica (CR)

It is the capital of Desamparados Canton.

Its square area is 3 sq. kilometers, so Desamparados should be very relaxing area , a nice place for people that like quiet cities for a cheap location to stay, a calm place without loudness that characterizes large urban areas. In Desamparados you save money because of their low housing costs, and this is why you and your travel companions could use Desamparados like your base in order to move across Costa Rica or Desamparados near places.

Desamparados meters above mean sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) should be about 1148 meters. That is why it is a perfect destination when you and firends like tall land to see for your next trip and love trekking when on holiday abroad.

Desamparados things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • events, music, festival, scenic roads, churches.

    Interactive Desamparados (Costa Rica) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Desamparados, Provincia de San José Desamparados Costa Rica (CR).