Puerto Jiménez

Info about Puerto Jiménez, Provincia de Puntarenas (Costa Rica)

Puerto Jiménez region is Provincia de Puntarenas, Golfito, in Costa Rica (CR).

Puerto Jiménez is also called PJM, Puerto Jimenez, Puerto Jiménez, San Domingo, latitude is 8.5362700, and its longitude -83.3052800.

Some of the things you can do if you travel to Puerto Jiménez are bodyboard, natural places, nature, historical sites, statues, docks, hiking, scenic roads, mines, ancient ruins, monuments, forest, theme parks, slopes, hiking trails, walking trails, secret in Costa Rica.


More details about Puerto Jiménez in Costa Rica (CR)

Its meters above sea level, called also meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is 2 mt. Because of this it is the perfect trip destination if you and your beloved ones like to do a sea trip.

If you need other data for Puerto Jiménez check Puerto Jiménez official website http://www.munipuntarenas.go.cr/.

Puerto Jiménez things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • bodyboard, natural places, nature, historical sites, statues, docks, hiking, scenic roads, mines, ancient ruins, monuments, forest, theme parks, slopes, hiking trails, walking trails, secret.

    Interactive Puerto Jiménez (Costa Rica) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Puerto Jiménez, Provincia de Puntarenas Golfito Costa Rica (CR).