
Info about Riohacha, Departamento de La Guajira (Colombia)

Riohacha is a place of Departamento de La Guajira, in Colombia (CO).

It is also called RCH, Rio de la Hacha, Riochacha, Riohacha, Ríohacha, its latitude is 11.5444400, and its longitude -72.9072200.

With 167.865 occupants, this area timezone is America/Bogota (America/Bogota_cet).

If you travel to Riohacha you can enjoy kiteboarding, windsurfing, kitesurfing, desert, off-road trails, music, parks, nature reserves, spa, rivers, towers, mosques, sailboats, nature, mines, kayaking, walkways, natural places, wildlife, beaches, adventure, adventure parks, historical sites over Colombia.


More details about Riohacha in Colombia (CO)

It is the capital of La Guajira Department.

In Riohacha there are 167.865 occupants, considering 2005 latest census. Riohacha postal code is 440001, then if you want to send anything to friends by post you can use 440001 code as explained.

Its size is 5020 sq. km. great if you want to visit a big city, busy full of things to do and activities to do. In Riohacha you can find expensive hotels because of its very high housing costs, so for this reason you may find it like base if you want to find SPAs and Thermal baths after visiting the city.

Riohacha altitude above sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 5 meters. For this Riohacha is the ideal trip destination when you and firends love to be near the sea.

If you want more information on this city please have a look at Riohacha official webpage

Riohacha things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • kiteboarding, windsurfing, kitesurfing, desert, off-road trails, music, parks, nature reserves, spa, rivers, towers, mosques, sailboats, nature, mines, kayaking, walkways, natural places, wildlife, beaches, adventure, adventure parks, historical sites.

    Interactive Riohacha (Colombia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Riohacha, Departamento de La Guajira Colombia (CO).