
Info about Valencia, Departamento de Córdoba (Colombia)

Valencia is a locality in Departamento de Córdoba, and country is Colombia (CO).

Also called Valencia, its latitude is 8.2580100, and its longitude is -76.1492800.

Valencia has a population of 46.897 citizens, this region timezone is America/Bogota (America/Bogota_cet).

Things to do in Valencia are wakeboard, mosques, secret, water skiing, therms in all Colombia.


More details about Valencia in Colombia (CO)

Its dimension is 968 sq. km., ideal for people who like metropolies, crowdy full of attractions and activities to do. In this city you can find expensive hotels due to its high hotel prices, and this is why you can find Valencia as a base if you want to relax tired by walking the Valencia.

Valencia altitude above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL), counts 62 meters. For this reason Valencia an ideal place when you and family love flat ground to go to for your next holiday.

Near cities are very cool cities like Montería. As those cities are very close you could very quickly visit these close travel destinations for new adventures.

If you like lakes, rivers and sea in a trip you will be happy to find out that you have the following lakes, rivers or sea very close to Valencia. Places like Sinú River are to visit if you and your friends are interested in destinations with water.

For data on this city see its official website

Valencia things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • wakeboard, mosques, secret, water skiing, therms.

    Interactive Valencia (Colombia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Valencia, Departamento de Córdoba Colombia (CO).