Santa Bárbara

Info about Santa Bárbara, Departamento de Antioquia (Colombia)

Santa Bárbara region is Departamento de Antioquia, and country is Colombia (CO).

Santa Bárbara is also called Santa Barbara, Santa Bárbara, Santa-Barbara, santa barbara, sheng ba ba la, Санта-Барбара, سانتا باربارا, სანტა-ბარბარა, 聖芭芭拉, latitude is 5.8745800, and its longitude -75.5670600.

In Santa Bárbara there are 21.413 residents, this city timezone is America/Bogota (America/Bogota_cet).

Santa Bárbara is considered one of the best destinations for shopping, playgrounds, zoo in Colombia.


More details about Santa Bárbara in Colombia (CO)

Santa Bárbara square area is 185 square kilometers so Santa Bárbara is a medium size city that can become, if it is not already, a boomtown, definitely a town that you should visit. If you stay in this town you can save money due to Santa Bárbara low room prices, and this is why you may use it as base to move across Colombia or Santa Bárbara near places.

Its meters above sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is around 1792 meters. Because of this it is the perfect place when you and firends love high areas to go to for your next travel or are willing to do mountain rails walking if you are on holiday away from home.

If you want extra information for this city you can have a look at its official webpage

Santa Bárbara things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • shopping, playgrounds, zoo.

    Interactive Santa Bárbara (Colombia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Santa Bárbara, Departamento de Antioquia Colombia (CO).