
Info about Songhuajiang, (China)

Alternate names are Songhuajiang, Songhuajiang Xiang, song hua jiang, song hua jiang xiang, 松花江, 松花江乡, latitude is 46.0371600, and longitude is 127.3255100.

Its population is 38.312.224 people, its timezone is Asia/Shanghai (Asia/Shanghai_cet).

Songhuajiang is considered one of the best destinations for rivers, fishing over China.


More details about Songhuajiang in China (CN)

Located in time zone UTC+08:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Songhuajiang live 38.312.224 people, if we consider 2010 census.

Songhuajiang dimensions are 454800 square kilometers, good if you like to visit a metropolis, busy full of distractions or activities to do. Here you may spend big money due to its high accommodation prices, and this is why you may enjoy it as your basecamp if you want to find SPAs and Thermal baths tired by visiting this city.

Its elevation above mean sea level, called also meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), should be around 0 meters. This is why this city is a perfect place if you and partner like to do a sea trip.

Songhuajiang shares borders with astonishing cities like Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Primorsky Krai, Amur Oblast, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Khabarovsk Krai. Because of this you can very quickly travel to those near destinations to see other destinations in China.

For more information about Songhuajiang have a look at their website

Songhuajiang things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • rivers, fishing.

    Interactive Songhuajiang (China) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Songhuajiang, China (CN).