
Info about Lijiang, (China)

Other names for Lijiang are Cidade Antiga de Lijiang, LJG, La-gong, Le Giang, Le-kang-chhi, Li-chiang, Li-tiang, Li-ťiang, Liczjan, Liczjan shaary, Lidziangas, Lijiang, Likiang-hsien, Liszyan, Lâ̤-gŏng, Lìjiāng, Lē-kang-chhī, Lệ Giang, Ta-yen-chen, li ceiyng, li jiang, li jiang shi, lidziani, lijang si, liji’anga, liji’anga yunnana, lyjyang, lyjyang shەھyry, lyjyanj, Лицзян, Лицзян шаары, Лиђанг, ליגיאנג, لىجياڭ شەھىرى, ليجيانج, لیجیانگ, लिजिआंग, लिजिआंग युन्नान, ลี่เจียง, ლიძიანი, 丽江市, 麗江, 麗江市, 리장 시, latitude is 26.8687900, and longitude is 100.2207200.

In Lijiang are located 1.216.000 people, this area timezone is Asia/Shanghai (Asia/Shanghai_cet).

Some of the activities you can do in Lijiang are national parks, horse trails, wellness, parks, nature reserves, scenic roads, fishing, nature, natural places, valleys, forest, mountains, countryside, wildlife, skiing, trail running, walking trails, ancient ruins, historical sites, hiking trails, adventure, hiking, golf, abseiling, boat rides, monuments, running, slopes, water skiing, lakes, rafting, biking, snow tubing, fountains, spa, food, kayaking, volcanoes, snowboard, sailboats, canoeing, off-road trails, geological formations, cathedrals, pubs, disco, water sports, clubs, treasure hunts, gardens, rivers, playgrounds, adventure parks, religious sites around China.


More details about Lijiang in China (CN)

It is the capital of Chiefdom of Lijiang. The official name for Lijiang is 丽江市 (云P).

Lijiang has timezone UTC+08:00 (valid for standard time).

In Lijiang there are 1.216.000 people, if we consider 2007 last census. You are looking to use telephone for calling local people? You can use 86 as local dialing code for local phone numbers. It’s zip code is 674100, for this reason, for post delivery from Lijiang you can use the zip as per description.

Lijiang dimensions are 7648 square km., good if you like to visit a metropolis, busy full of things to do or activities to do. If you book an accommodation in Lijiang you can find expensive hotels due to their high accommodation prices, so for this reason you can find Lijiang like your base if you want to relax tired by visiting this Lijiang.

Its elevation above mean sea level, or meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is under 2400 meters above sea. That’s why this city is a perfect travel destination if you and partner like tall mountains to see for your next holiday and love trekking while on holiday somewhere in the world.

For more detailed information for Lijiang please visit its official website

Lijiang things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • national parks, horse trails, wellness, parks, nature reserves, scenic roads, fishing, nature, natural places, valleys, forest, mountains, countryside, wildlife, skiing, trail running, walking trails, ancient ruins, historical sites, hiking trails, adventure, hiking, golf, abseiling, boat rides, monuments, running, slopes, water skiing, lakes, rafting, biking, snow tubing, fountains, spa, food, kayaking, volcanoes, snowboard, sailboats, canoeing, off-road trails, geological formations, cathedrals, pubs, disco, water sports, clubs, treasure hunts, gardens, rivers, playgrounds, adventure parks, religious sites.

    Interactive Lijiang (China) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Lijiang, China (CN).