
Info about Shiyan, Hubei Sheng (China)

Shiyan region is Hubei Sheng, in China (CN).

Other names for Shiyan are Chap-ian-chhi, Cha̍p-ián-chhī, S-jen, Sek-ieng, Shih-yen, Shih-yen-chen, Shih-yen-shih, Shijan’, Shijen, Shiyan, Shiyan Shi, Shujen, Sĕk-iēng, Thap Yen, Thập Yển, WDS, seuyen si, shi yan, shi yan shi, shyyan, Š-jen, Шиянь, Шијен, Шъйен, شییان, 十堰, 十堰市, 스옌 시, latitude is 32.6475000, and longitude 110.7780600.

Shiyan has a population of 3.228.000 natives, its timezone is Asia/Shanghai (Asia/Shanghai_cet).

Shiyan is considered one of the best destinations for religious sites in China.


More details about Shiyan in China (CN)

It’s official name is 十堰市 (鄂C).

Shiyan has timezone UTC+08:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Shiyan there are 3.228.000 natives, considering 2007 latest census. You are looking to use telephone for calling local people! Local dialing code for Shiyan is 719. It’s zip code is 442000, then for post delivery this can be done by using the zip as per description above.

Shiyan square area is 1022 square kilometers so Shiyan is ideal for people who like large cities, busy with a lot of distractions or entertainment. If you book an accommodation in Shiyan you may find expensive accommodations due to their very high rooms prices, so for this reason you could find it like base in order to relax tired by walking this Shiyan.

Its height above sea level that is meters above sea level (MASL) is about 1640 meters above sea. That’s why this is the ideal travel destination when you and firends love high mountains to go to for your next holiday or are willing to do hiking when tripping to see a new place.

For other information on Shiyan you can have a look at its official website

Shiyan things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • religious sites.

    Interactive Shiyan (China) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Shiyan, Hubei Sheng China (CN).